Monday, 23 January 2012


Holiday with the Locke-Sodhi's!

This post is my attempt of recounting my amazing time spent with this family from our holiday to Lake Tabourie in the South Coast of NSW, of 4 nights and 5 days.

Beginning with Holly, my childhood friend of 10 years whom I often hear saying in what I hope is a sarcastic tone, "how hot am I?" or "only joking" after being yelled at by someone. 
Next, her sister Imogen, who begins high school this year and so different to the way Holly was at her age.
Chris, the father, the man of the house, although I do recall Holly telling Chris he wasn't a man.. who has so much knowledge on a broad range of subjects.. 
Lastely, Jo. The mother, who preferrs compassion over kindness, but that's a topic of debate amongst the family..

We began our journey roughly midday on Wednesday, 18th. Stopping along the way at one of Jo's relatives for a nice lunch and ice-cream. Then proceeded on our journey to Lake Tabourie, finally arriving in the late afternoon. When we arrived I was bombarded with many new faces belonging to the Judge and Paxton families, family friends of the Locke-Sodhi's. Everyone was very kind and welcoming, and intelligent.

That night was filled with delicious food, reminiscent stories of trips around Europe, and the supposed to be fun game of spoons, which quickly turned into a destructive brawl between Holly and Imogen, and me getting my finger sliced by Holly. 

The next day we played the ever so popular, Articulate and I was partnered with an aspiring doctor. "I felt dumb hanging around the Paxtons but in the same way I could feel my intelligence rising." 
The rest of the day was spent relaxing, swimming, eating and celebrating a birthday!

The next few days followed the same regime of eat, swim, watch tennis, sleep. Although we did feel inspired and had a little tennis game ourselves, and when we worked up enough courage, went for a 4 hour walk up and down a mountain.. By this time the other families had left.

Throughout our trip there were many, various topics of conversation, the most popular being the topic of 'the perfect persona' or 'pp'. Me to Holly: "Rather more to the point Holly, why would you want to be a perfect person?"
Which led to this argument, followed by this photograph:

Now, I felt schadenfreude over the fact Jo said Imi and I ellueded the perfect persona and Holly didn't.
Joking... I had to put it in here somewhere!

Both Holly and Imogen were a bit mendacious throughout the trip, mostly in the car, in the efforts to get the other one in trouble instead of themselves.

The weather on the last day was lovely, and we were all sad to be leaving.

On the car trip home I asked everyone to give me a quote;
Chris "I bet you are glad to get away from this nuthouse!"
Holly "Paige and Imogen are the perfect personas"
Imogen "Do not fear the wind, that only blows the leaves away, so much fear held in your heart, will waste you all away"

Jo "Anyone can be kind, being kind is easy. Being compasionate requires serious meditation"
Chris "I'm the opposite"
Holly and Imi "I agree dad, I agree dad, what do you think Paige?"

On the drive home we stopped at their friends house in Milton for lunch.

 Also a neccesary stop at the Berry Lollie shop!

I had such a fantastic holiday and hope we can do it again one day, thankyou everyone for the great time and memories!

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